InfraTalk America
Jul 5, 2023
It’s our one-year anniversary and we’re reflecting on one year of stimulating discussions. Over the course of the past 12 months, we’ve championed innovators and doers.
On our one-year anniversary, we’ve compiled a list of our most-loved articles and videos
It’s our one-year anniversary and we’re reflecting on one year of stimulating discussions. Over the course of the past 12 months, we’ve championed innovators and doers. We’ve also promoted content that highlights cutting-edge technology and practices in our industry. These innovations promise to deliver the absolute safest and strongest infrastructure system.
Additionally, we’ve published 110 articles and seven podcast episodes. We’ve also hosted three roundtables.
Here’s a snapshot of the items that have sparked readers’ attention and got people talking.
#1. Info Doc: The e-Ticketing Revolution Provides a Gateway to Next Generation e-Construction
Featuring many of the industry’s big heroes — from ODOT’s Janet Treadway to DelDOT’s Shanté Hastings — this video was our most-viewed piece of content.
#2. “AASHTO Innovation Initiative Promotes New Transportation Technology”
This article, detailing the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ work to promote and mainstream game-changing innovations, was our second most-read.
#3. “How e-Ticketing Benefits the Bottom Line for Private Contractors”
This extended interview with concrete industry leader Keith Onchuck caught readers’ attention. In it, Onchuck gives a detailed account of the upside of technology adoption for the private contractors who help keep our roads and bridges serviceable.
#4. “e-Ticketing to Spark a Digital Revolution in Boston”
Our fourth most-read article told the story of how Boston was charging ahead to become the first municipality to embrace e-Ticketing.
#5. “How Digital Project Delivery Creates Sustainability and Saves Money”
The sustainability case for going digital clocks in at our number five most-read article.
Thanks for reading! We’re looking forward to bringing you inspiring stories for years to come!
Originally published on InfraTalkAmerica.com. InfraTalk America is a digital media brand operated by Infrastructure Ventures, LLC.